Saturday, September 6, 2008

worry not fair lady

Things I've learned about worry this week.

1. My home page is set to Wayne Dyer's Daily Inspiration and the other day it said something to the affect of: The 2 most useless and futile emotions are worry and guilt. Guilt has to do with the past that cannot be changed and worry is about the future that hasn't happened yet.
true, true.

2. In a conversation with a friend she started talking about (and getting upset about) something that hasn't happened yet. So I shared Wayne's inspiration with her.
My husband and I do that sometimes although we can now catch and redirect each other. The whole point is to not create in your thoughts or words, an event or series of events that haven't happened yet, especially when you attribute them to another person. Don't decide for someone else what they are going to do when they haven't even done it.

3. In a conversation today with my friend and Yoga teacher Laura, she casually mentioned that she gets a lot of great ideas in the shower or while drying her hair and that she used to spend that time ruminating (worrying). She called it her "ruminating period" each day. Now that she's chosen to not spend that time worrying it has freed up this time for great inspiration! I really loved that.

How much time do you spend worrying each day? Do you even know you are doing it? Can you decide to dedicate that time to something that you love or enjoy instead? Why not daydream and see what inspiration you can find in those moments when they're not spent on worry! Enjoy!


@MuseKaren said...

Here's another - "Worry pretends to be necessary" - Eckhart Tolle

I love that!

Unknown said...

SOOO true a certain nameless family member used to have complete one sided arguements with me, in my presents and get more and more riled up as it went on. It went like this; she'd say what she had to say, next she'd project and state what she believed my response would be, then she'd disagree becoming more and more riled up etc. etc. never did I open my mouth!