I am a dichotomy, a manifestation of duality. Like you, I am unique. I like nice things and I like to get my hands dirty in the garden. I am frugal when it makes sense to me and it doesn't make sense to me when it comes to my health and mental well being (or with sunglasses). I am honest - sometimes more than some people are comfortable with - and compassionate. I love to talk, especially in front of groups, and I practice silence whenever I can. At first glance you would think I was just another minivan driving mom. But then you learn that I am honest and loving, silly and fun-loving, accepting and non-judgmental, intelligent and well-read and, above all, full of a whole lotta love.
I have been and done so many different things. What is life, if not a grand experiment?
- I received a Bachelor's degree in Psychology because it was the one thing that I innately understood. I worked at a homeless shelter in college and wanted to go on to Graduate School to become a Therapist. I thrive on chaos.
- Instead I got a "real job" working with the Allstate Insurance Company's National Catastrophe Team. I tracked hurricanes and created reports on earthquakes and hail storms. "Ask for chaos, I'll give you chaos", Life mutters.
- I went on to a job in marketing but tired of the 3 hour a day commute into downtown Chicago. It was fun while it lasted.
- After moving to Minnesota I got a job in food marketing - Ah, Food! Life signs go up: "Get out - now! Oh, and while you're at it, try some yoga."
- I spend the next 3 years as the HR Director of a community bank. Which eventually was bought out and I opted out. Life says, "What on earth do you want, girl?"
- I tried Business school and got halfway to an MBA before I decided it wasn't what I really wanted. What a surprise.
- I had (and still do have) 3 children. 2 boys and a girl. 1 planned, 2 unplanned. Now life is really trying to see how much I can handle.
- My husband has his own business. He and I start working together. From home. While taking care of the kids. Life is screaming at me, "Are you trying to cause trouble?"
- Ever the curious one, I don't want to stop trying new things. I teach Yoga, I take Belly Dance lessons, I enroll in a Masters program in Natural Health, I start a new company with other women, I volunteer at my kids school, I read, I volunteer to be on the board of a non-profit, I sew, I garden, I cook, I lift weights, I teach classes and workshops to anyone who will listen. I have determined that Love is my mission. Now I am a missionary.