Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Gardening, Yoga and Golf

It's golf season! (at least here in Minnesota where it got down to 43 degrees last night) My husband and I are starting our second year of a couples golf league. I started last year after a 10+ year absence in playing. It was so much fun! It's great to share a hobby with your spouse that you both really enjoy. Plus it was nice knowing that I had a regular commitment to a night out sans kids every other week.
What has been amazing to me is the difference in how I played last year vs. last time I played. I attribute it all to my yoga practice. The difference? I'm so much more calm and centered. I can concentrate on the ball and move with more intention. I'm more flexible, of course, and stronger. Yet probably the biggest difference is in letting go. It does not matter if I hit a bad shot, I don't feel embarrassed if I miss it completely and I don't really care who's watching. It is just a game after all and aren't games meant to be fun? So I just enjoy the company, the evening out and the fresh air. That's what's really important to me.
So what does this have to do with gardening? I also enjoy gardening and growing my own vegetables. The past weekend I rented a tiller in order to expand my garden. WOW, am I sore! Like a boot camp for the upper body. That AND coming off a little illness AND the fact that I haven't even been to the driving range yet this year and this league night should be interesting.
Here's what I'll be doing the next couple of days: going to the chiropractor, getting caught up on my sleep (no more sick baby??) and lots of YOGA
gentle twists (sukhasana with a twist)
shoulder openers like gomukhasana (cow's face pose)
and backbends like Cobra (love that pose!)
LOTS of shoulder rolls
Lunges, Trikonasana (triangle) and Parsvo Trikonasana (revolved triangle)
Here's a great Yoga Journal article (among others) about yoga and golf. Look out Annika, here I come?

1 comment:

@MuseLaura said...

Come to my blog - Reflections on Yoga - I have tagged you for a meme!