Sunday, January 6, 2008

Yoga Practice

In case you didn't already know, January is World Yoga Practice Month, or WoYoPracMo. (, my name is breezeatdawn). My teacher discovered this site and she and several of her students (including myself) have signed up and committed to practicing yoga every day this month or "31 in 31".
My first couple of days started kind of slow. I didn't feel good, then my daughter got sick. Several times I practiced work-around-the-baby yoga (feet up the crib side pose, jungle gym for the baby series, etc.). Yesterday I snuck in 12 Sun Salutations after I taught class (at Gold's Gym). Today I did yoga this afternoon in the kitchen. I randomly picked a series out of an old Yoga Journal magazine, turned out to be on the hips which is one of my challenge areas. I love working on the hips, it's just that after having 3 kids my hips are, as I call them, "wonky". I've seen the x-ray, they are literally twisted. I could go into the gory details but suffice it to say that it affects my entire body. Today was no different. The outside of my left hip kept cramping up and both my sides are tight as can be. We'll see how my hips feel about me come day 31.
On the bright side, my nemesis child's pose actually felt pretty good today. Of course it would be after attempting Astavakrasana (Eight-Angle Pose). Yeah, it's as ugly as it sounds. Especially the way I did it.

1 comment:

Nadine Fawell said...

Hi Marya!

Thanks for visiting my blog: the link for Nischala's sutras is
Shoulda put that in my post, doh!

Good luck with your future bread-baking. And hip-opening!
