Sunday, April 13, 2008

Breeze at Dawn.2

I've shared what 'The Breeze at Dawn..." comes from and how it came to me. I'd also like to share what I think it means, or more correctly, what it means to me.

"The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you."
I'm not generally a morning person. At least I didn't used to be. My kids, on the other hand, truly do wake with the sun. (Daylight savings in the spring is usually a VERY welcome time in our house) At this point in my life I do have more energy in the morning and can get up quickly and easily now at around 7am (I haven't used an alarm clock in almost 7 years). In the past year I've been feeling more and more creative and inspired. The word 'inspired' means to be 'in spirit'. It is often that I wake up and am filled with ideas for writing, creating, doing. The breeze at dawn is like the spirit moving through me in the morning, the ideas are the secrets.

"Don't go back to sleep"
Once you've "awakened", why would you want to go back to sleep? Could you if you even tried? Once you've tasted peace and serenity, how could you not crave it forevermore? Answermethat.

"You must ask for what you really want"
I really figured this out when I took a manifesting class last summer (ala The Secret). Before then it never occurred to me to even think about this. Where do I begin. "You mean I can ask for things?" "You mean I can want things?" "What do I even want?" When I really thought about it and actually asked myself the question, I had no clue. And things does not just mean material things. We're talking everything! Life! Dear God, I had no idea. (I don't mean that in a 'name in vain' way, I really was talking to God there) OK, here goes, what do I want? Love, security, freedom from fear, acceptance (of others and by others), ideas, to feel good, to have fun, happy children, a community of loving, nonjudgmental people, friends, more time to golf, dance, play, do yoga, massages and spa treatments, oh the list goes on. Opened up a can of worms there, huh?

"People are going back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds touch."
This is a tricky one. I'm not usually one to delve too deeply into my spiritual and philosophical views unless asked or unless with close company. So, here is my opinion on this one, in a nutshell. Take from it whatever you like or move on if you don't.
I believe there is God's world (heaven, the formless, source - whatever you want to call it) and our world (bodies, forms, earth, hell - again, take personal license). I'd like to think all of us are tying to get back to God's world, something so unimaginably amazing and awesome and wonderful that if we'd truly remember what it's like we probably wouldn't be here in the first place. Good to know there is an opening - a door - and we can get back there. Others are there already and they're trying to help us so they sometimes come back.

"The door is round and open"
I know it's open, I'm just not sure why it's round. Must be yet to come.

Just remember - "don't go back to sleep"!

1 comment:

@MuseKaren said...

Great post Marya! I didn't realize that the "don't go back to sleep" was about being "awakened" and not as in "get up it's time to go to work". You are so right - how could you "go back to sleep?" When you figure out the round door - please let us know, OK?