Tuesday, March 11, 2008


As in "I need one" or "you thought I was on one". No, I have not been in some tropical locale (I wish). I have been on what you could probably call a growth vacation. I've been going through a personal growth spurt and have been compelled to read voraciously. Last week I read 3 books! Among other things. I've noticed I seem to go in cycles of:

GROWTH: read, study, discuss, intake, process, learn, Yoga
: Blog, write, ideas, create, clean, sew, dance, exercise, Yoga
: Sleep, TV, Sit on my butt, sleep some more, really lame TV, do nothing, eat Girl Scout Cookies, not so much Yoga

So I did a little bit of the LAZY/REST (not necessarily the same thing, but often alternates between the two) and couldn't hold my eyes open past 8:30pm. Then Daylight Savings! Sad, but I actually welcomed it. For our family it was really just time adjusting to our changed sleep schedules. (And yes, I know it was early but you'd want it early too if your kids started waking up at 5am by mid April.)
And I did a lot of GROWTH - hence all the books. I read the God Code by Gregg Braden, The Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard and of COURSE I'm reading A New Earth by Ekhart Tolle. I mean, who isn't? Let's see, population of the
U.S. - Oprah Fans. More about that later. The book is really great at the end so keep moving through the beginning if you're just starting out. Let's just say EGO isn't just for Psychology majors anymore.
And now on to INSPIRATION! More to come...

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