Friday, January 2, 2009

A Farewell to the Year.

     Walking in the night;
Snow is falling,
     A farewell to the year.

The word farewell is from Middle English (faren wel) and means a wish of happiness or welfare at parting.  It also means a last look at, or reference to something.  I have also read that it was used previously to wish someone a good and safe journey.  I think it's safe to say all of these apply to 2008. 
I hope that you, as I do, have no regrets about the last year.  It was a spectacular year in terms of my personal growth and I believe has set me up for bigger and better things to come.  Things didn't always go the way I wanted or planned.  I have learned to go with the flow and be more in harmony.  Now, things may not go the way I want but I do understand that in some way or another I have asked for it and I can't always dictate exactly how I get it.  Be it physical things, experiences or life lessons.
As I have no regrets I do wish the last year well.  In other words, I depart in happiness.  I plan to take what I've learned - the things I liked - about last year and repeat them with bigger and better results.  Likewise, for all those that have touched my life, or I theirs, I wish them happiness and well being too.
I look forward to a good and safe journey for 2008 and beyond.  A recent Muselan discussion regarding New Year's Resolutions brought up the idea of a theme for the year, instead of a list of goals.  Some of the themes offered by others included creativity, adventure, nonattachment and growth.  I had initially set a theme of Bigger and Better.  But recently, one of my friends who is turning 40 in a few weeks told me this is her year of "me".  I said, "More power to you!".  So in the spirit of a bigger and better me, let 2009 be the year of Personal Power!

In the New Year may you all be happy, healthy, wealthy, wise and whole!

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